Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On Your Road to Anywhere

Let me tell you a story...

There were two men walking a dirt road between a large city and a small village. They were not spectacular in appearance or status. They were simply two men that had witnessed one of the largest turn around scenarios the world has ever known. Jesus of Nazareth had gone from celebrated healer and miracle worker to a hated mad man in the course of a few days. They were deliberating and reasoning the events, trying to make sense of it all. They truly hoped that he was the deliverer of Israel, and his death and then the disappearance of his body had sent shock waves through them.

Suddenly a man appeared, clothed like another traveler on the way to Emmaus. "What kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk? Why are you so sad?"

These two men stopped and stared in astonishment. There was something odd about him, something vaguely familiar, but they could not put their finger on it. Suddenly his appearance mattered little as they spilled forth with information. "How can you not know what has happened? You must be the only person in Jerusalem to have missed this mobs and crowds and the crucifixion."

"Tell me about these things," the stranger replied.

"Jesus of Nazareth, a prophet mighty in deed and in word, was killed and now we are told that the angels have taken his body from the tomb. We had hoped he was the Messiah."

The rest of this story involves Jesus explaining the prophecies that were fulfilled, and how the death and resurrection were necessary. Then he breaks bread with the men and they realize who he is, only to have him vanish, leaving the men amazed.

What strikes me about this story is threefold. First, these men met a stranger that was on a journey with them and they told him all they knew of Jesus. This is what we here at Big Spender Stories have tried to encourage. On our daily journeys we run into people who need to hear the story or be reminded of its importance. Just as they told the stranger of the impact of Jesus on their lives, we too should seek opportunities to share with others. Second, the man they shared with happened to be Jesus in disguise. We should take time to tell Jesus our story, and how he has impacted our lives. In this manner we are reminded of his importance and bolstered by his presence when the time comes to share with others as well. Third, the men called Jesus a prophet mighty in deed and word. The first thing about Jesus' ministry that impressed them was his deeds, the second was his words. Take time to do good deeds in the name of Christ, they solidify your words and give credibility to your ministry. Those deeds can be as big as buying someone groceries that is in need, or as small as offering to help an older person load his or her groceries in the parking lot of your local grocery store. Think outside the box. Let Jesus experiment with your life and everyday opportunities so he may use you to tell his story on your road to anywhere.

God bless

Mike Massie

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