Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lakeside Part 1

I am sitting in Hoover Auditorium at the moment on the campus of Lakeside near Lake Erie. Tomorrow I will have the opportunity to play my trumpet for 3000 Methodists gathering for their state convention. This is an opportunity that I have prayed about for over a decade and I'm so excited to be here. Soon I will sound check, but for now I get to sit and listen to the African Children's Choir.

If you've never seen this extraordinary ensemble, you should. The choir is made up of 25-30 children from about 6 to 12 years of age. They are from Africa and they tour the world giving concerts. For a group of children, they are one of the most professional groups I have ever seen. In between songs they are completely silent and they comply with every instruction their director gives. When the music starts, they sing and dance with all their hearts displaying a joy that most American Christians could only dream of. Tonight they have truly blessed my heart. Not only have they displayed unbounded spiritual enthusiasm, but they've done so with the utmost professionalism and musical excellence. It's nice to know that there is room for both in the church.

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