Friday, June 26, 2009

Lakeside Part 2

Playing in the opening worship service of this year's Lakeside Methodist Conference was incredible. I mean, it's not every day that you get to play to 3000 people, but it was more than that. I shared in part one that the African Children's choir was also part of the service. Along with the adorable and talented children that make up the choir, there are some extraordinary adults that travel with the group as well. One of them is a young man named Joshua. I had the opportunity to speak with Joshua at length and I shared with him what I believe to be the main reason that American Christians are blown away by these African kids.

"I think that American believers see the joy that flows so freely from the children and wish that they could have joy like that," I said. "They find themselves so encumbered by the weight of their cares, their fears, and their wealth that they can't fathom being that joyful in their faith." I told him that I firmly believe that, if American Christians could tapp into such joy, they could truly change the world. With eyes that looked at me from a world away, he said, "I believe that their minds are the only things stopping them."

I thought about that all the way home, and I think he's absolutely right. Our minds are the only things that stop us from truly changing the world. We have to believe it is possible. We have to cheer each other on. We have to share our stories without worrying about how much it costs, how tight our schedules are, or how we've done it or not done it before. When we get out of our own way, I believe that world change is just around the corner.

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