Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What happened to big spender stories?

Many of you are wondering what happened to the stories. Well, here it is. Last year I made a living touring and ministering. I put out a new CD and played over 30 concerts. Life was cruising along and then the economy tanked. When that happened, bookings dried up almost immediately and we nearly lost everything. God provided some work just before Thanksgiving when I was contracted as a graphic designer in the marketing department of a local retirement community and I am still currently working there.

While this job has been, and continues to be, a blessing to our family financially, I have struggled to find time to write and post my stories. For a long time I just felt like a big failure while I fell more and more behind with regard to my ministry. However, I have regrouped and, with the help of some close friends and a little retooling of the site, I have risen to write again.

This is how bss will work from here on out. I will be posting on this blog along with a team of other folks. We are using a this approach to keep any one of us from having to post every week. The goal is to use a sufficient number of people to keep the content fresh. You can also get in on the action by sending your stories to us. You can email them to stories@bigspenderstories.com. Your submissions will be reviewed by a team member and posted for the world to read.

Please pray for us as we continue this ministry. I still believe with all my heart that when the people of God tell the stories of God the world will turn to God. Also please pray that bookings come in. As of now, they are still extremely scarce as you can see by the schedule on the website. The economy has many churches running behind budget with their members out of work. We are currently exploring new ideas for how to play out and you'll be the first to know what we come up with.

Thanks again for all of your prayers and support.

Be God's

1 comment:

  1. I can post a comment Greg, but I did not find the other stuff that you wanted me to do.
