Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Very Special Gathering

Since the beginning, we have planned to do things through Sound of the Trumpet Ministries like host a Bible study, get involved in local schools, and pull off events that impact our community. Well, I'm thrilled to announce that, after three years of laying ground work, we are ready to take the next step toward accomplishing some of these ambitious goals.

The first step will be to launch a Bible study called the Storytellers Gathering. It will be held at my home in Fairfield on Sunday nights from 5 to 7:00 pm. The first one will be on January 9, 2010.

Here is how the evening is structured:
5:00 pm Food & Hang Out Time
5:30 pm "What's Your Story?"
6:00 pm "Digging In" (Bible Study)
6:20 pm "Drive It Home" (Activity/Discussion)
6:40 pm "Sharing & Prayer"
7:00 pm Head for Home

Now to answer some of your questions:
  1. No, this is not a church.
  2. Yes, I will be cooking the food
  3. Yes, it's free
  4. No, there is no organized child care. If you need to bring children, let me know and we'll do what we can to accomodate them
  5. Yes you have to let me know you are coming so I know how much food to make
  6. Yes, you can bring friends, just let me know ahead of time how many are coming
  7. Yes, anyone is welcome regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey
  8. No, this is not a church
  9. No, it is not affiliated with any certain church or denomination
  10. No, I will not ask you to abide by a big list of rules or sign any covenant forms
  11. Yes, you will probably want to bring a Bible
  12. No, it doesn't matter what version and that won't be an issue
  13. No, I won't embarrass you by asking you to read or pray out loud unless you want to
  14. Did I mention that this is not a church? Good

Now, I know that there will be other questions, so feel free to contact me and ask whatever you like. We have 2010 planned up with tons of really cool ministry events, so seriously pray about giving us a try. Any of you who have heard me in concert or seen Mike and I perform drama know that we are serious about changing the world; and we believe wholeheartedly that wold change begins right here at home. So make plans now to join us in January at the very first Storytellers Gathering on January 9, 2010 at 5:00 pm. All you have to do is click the link at the left of this page that takes you to the Big Spender Stories Facebook page. Then click the Events tab and RSVP.

Be God's