Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hang In There

I stop at Starbucks Coffee nearly every day on my way to work. I have had dozens of conversations with the people who work there. This may sound a bit weird, but they get to be kind of like family after a while. Anyway, the conversation I had yesterday will be one I'll remember for a long time. It went something like this:

"Can I get a tall cafe Estima with room for cream?"

"Sure, are you working today? What do you do?"

"I'm a graphic designer. I work across the street."

" husband designs websites. We used to be on staff at a church, but it was really hard."

"I know what you mean. I'm ordained. I have been in ministry in one form or another for 20
years. I was a youth pastor, a music minister, an interim name it."

"We were on staff at two church plants in Michigan before we came here."

"And let me guess, people who were supposed to love Jesus beat your brains in."

"Yeah, I couldn't believe the way they acted. We just wanted to be a part of a church that was doing something. Our life is so much better now that we work outside of the church. I almost hate to say that - I feel guilty."

"Don't feel guilty. Let me ask you something. Have you ever heard the term "outreach?" Where are your feet when you're reaching for something?"

"Planted in one spot?"

"Yes, at a safe distance from what your reaching for. There's a difference between reaching and going. Jesus never reached, he went, and when you're outside the walls, it makes it easier to go."

"Thanks, I needed to hear that."

"I needed to say it. Have a good day!"

"You too!"

The thing is...she'll never know how much I needed to say that to someone. "Thanks, God for the opportunity and the story. It feels good to be back on track."